PT Bamboosa Teknologi Inovasi

Consultant of oil palm


The oil palm is ones of plant producing the highest vegetable oil per ha This superior of oil palm caused a lot of corporate always increase area planting . Planting of oil palm need a best planning not only in technically aspect but also in preparation of budged c. Detail in costing based on activity in the field involve from land clearing , planting , maintenance until harvesting.

The following illustration of cost details for corporate to prepare budgeting in oil palm activity . Each of work must have standard output for labor or machinery in order to be able to compare between actual in field and standard.

We offer assistance to companies for consulting services
1. Nursery establishment and management
2. Plantation development
3. Plantation establisment and management
4. Site inspection / assesment

This is seedling in baby polibag having age 3 months . The size of baby polibag is 0.1 mm x 15 cm x 23 cm black colour from baby polibag will be transplanted to large polibag. after 3 months in baby polibag Before transplanting to large polibag is done culling in baby polibag Rate of culling in this stage is between 7 – 8 %
The size of large polibag is 0.15 mm x 35 cm x 50 cm . Distance between polibag 90 cm trianguler . Baby polibag having 4 – 5 leafs transplanted to large polibag after 3 months planting from baby polibag
Seedling in large polibag in the periode 4 – 12 months age . Culling in this period done in 6 months and 9 months age. Watering done by sumisamsui 2 round per day in the morning and afternoon
Seedling in the large polibag in 7 months age after culling in 6 months age . Total rate of culling in the baby and large polibag is 25 % to ensure that seedling must have high potential in production according to standard. Seedling can be transplanting in the field in 10 months age
Blocking area done before land clearing by bulldozer per 30 ha ( 300 x 1000 m ). .In the edge of block will be made main road wiide 9 m and collection road wide 6 m .
Zero burning is land clearing method which must be dune by company to open in the new area . Residual of wood collected in a line having distance about 50 m or 75 m depend on density of wood and located in the inter row
Oil palm per ha per year have potensial CPO is 6 ton per ha . That meaning is produce 24 tons FFB having extraction oil rate 25 %. To ensure EOR 25 % , FFB must be harvested in the ripe bunches not unripe bunches harvested
Road must be hardened by laterit in stage of immature period . The progress of hardening road is 25 % in immature 1 , 25 % in immature 2 and 50 % in immature 3 . The collection road wide laterit 5 meters , main road wide 7 meters , access road wide 9 meters and thickness 15 cm
Data history upkeep of block must be documented properly not only in office but also I block in order to management know actual data involve progress manuriing , spraying , other upkeep data including yield block per month when visiting in field
All harvesters must be briefed by mandor every morning before working to evalu ate the harvesing yesterday. The briefing contains disciplines of harvester , quality of harvesting and output per harvester
Fresh fruit bunch was collected to loading ram transpoted by truck
Grading FFB is done by sampling per truck to know quality of FFB. The result of grading is to know how many percentage ripe , unripe , rotten bunches in truck

Land application on oil palm plantation

Liquid waste from mill can be used as fertilizer substitution in the field. Application of liquid waste can reduce cost of liquid waste management and automatically as fertilizer. Investment of land application is relative costly but it will be followed the increasing yield and reducing cost of manuring

   Design of land application as follows  Size of bed is length 4 m, width 2 m , depth  0.4 m. Requirement bed per ha is length 500 m , width 2 m. Contain waste per ha  = 0.25 m x 2 m x 500 m = 250 m3. Rotation per year is 3 times . Dosage per ha land application is 750 tons  per year

Liquid waste  contain N P K and Mg having opportunity to be used to convert as fertilizer, other advantage also  giving additional land humidity and improving soil conditional.

Calculation Land Application 750 ton per year per ha can reduce fertilizes as follows

Contain  N in liquid  waste ( LW ) 454 ppm= 454 ppm x 750 ton  = 340.5 kg . Contain N in urea 46% . LW as N substitution  = 340.5 kg : 0.46 = 740 kg per ha or 5.4 kg per tree urea

Contain P in LW 170 ppm = 170 ppm x 750 ton = 128 kg . Contain P in TSP = 45 %

LW as P substitution = 128 kg : 0.45  = 284 kg per ha or 2.1 kg TSP per tree

Contain K in LW 1641 ppm =  1641 ppm x 750 ton = 1231 kg. Contain K in KCL = 60 %

LW as K substitution = 1231 kg : 0.60 = 2052 kg per ha or  15 kg KCL per tree

Contain Mg in LW  334 ppm = 334 ppm x 750 ton = 250 kg

LW as Mg substitution = 250 kg : 0.27 = 926 kg per ha  or 6.8 kg Kies per ha


Bed should be maintained periodically, edge of bed cleaned, solid in bed scooped and put in along edge of bed. After cleaning depth of bed should be 40 cm


Empty Bunch Application

Empty bunch ( EB ) have a mineral useful  to help plant growth process so it have potential as organic fertilizer. EB which be used should be fresh direct transported from mill, should be retailed to the field immediately. Dosage EB per ha 30 tons

The following calculation value N , P , K  and Mg

Contain N from EB 0.9 % = 0.9 % x 30 ton = 270 kg .EB as substitution N in urea = 270 kg : 0.46 = 587 kg /ha . Dosage EB equivalent 4.3 kg urea per tree

Contain P 0.11 % = 0.11 % x 30 ton = 33 kg . EB as substitution P in TSP = 33 kg : 0.46 = 71,7 kg/ha

Dosage EB equivalent 0.5 kg TSP per tree

Contain K 2.4 % = 2.4 % x 30 ton = 720 kg . EB as substitution K in Mop = 720 kg :0.6 = 1200 kg / ha.. Dosage EB equivalent 8.8 kg Mop per tree

Contain Mg 0.17% = 0.17 % x 30 ton = 51 kg . EB as substitution Mg in Kies = 51 kg : 0.27 = 190 kg / ha . Dosage EB equivalent  1.4 kg Kieserit per tree

Take care of bawn oll is one of effort to establish the integrated pest management to reduce develop rat naturally. A pair of bawn oll allocated each 30 ha area to control rat




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